creator cover Reinkorn


I am a digital furry artist
4 of 15 paid subscribers
I will be glad to each of you 🍀
6 741.51 of $ 8 769 money raised
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About the creator

Welcome everyone to my Boosty page.
I am an amateur artist and can be found under the pseudonym Reinkorn. I draw furries and often spend time on FurAffinity contemplating the work of outstanding artists. Although I am silent on the net, you can always write to me there, discuss or order art from me. I am friendly and love new acquaintances, do not be shy.
Thank you all for following me and my work.
Приветствую всех на моей странице Boosty.
Я художник любитель, и меня можно найти под псевдонимом Reinkorn. Я рисую фурри и часто провожу время на FurAffinity созерцая работы выдающихся художников. Хоть я и молчалив в сети, там вы всегда можете написать мне, обсудить или заказать у меня арт. Я дружелюбен и люблю новые знакомства, не стесняйтесь.
Благодарю вас всех, кто следует за мной и моим творчеством.

life update...⬛

Well, I've been gone for quite a while. I'm currently trying to get my life back on track after some serious upheavals. My mom died. It happened about a month ago, and I'm still trying to come to terms with it and pull myself together. At first, I was just cleaning up the house, sorting out paperwork and other things. And now I’m trying not to fall out of society, to maintain communication with many who came to my aid during a difficult period.
My mother has been seriously ill since 2014. Over the past few months, the cancer has left her very debilitated, and treatment has stopped helping. All these years I hoped that the disease would recede; we tried a huge number of lines of therapy, and each one gave us hope at first. But over time, they all stopped working, and my mother's condition slowly worsened. In October, her body stopped fighting the disease. She was losing her strength, dying in my arms. She's gone.
Now, I'm trying to force myself to live. I'm forcing myself to do at least something. I try to spend some time with my brothers, they help me to get my head and my affairs in order. I will try to return to work here soon. Creativity is what I would like to continue doing, it is what inspires me. I am grateful to each of you for your support, thank you for staying with me.
Losing a loved one is terrible and makes life bitter for now. I genuinely hope you find the sugar in life again soon and feel better yourself. My condolences to you and your family. 
CSFurry, thank you.
Hi Rein, been busy this month and couldn't look at Boosty.
I'm sorry to hear about your mom, my condolences for you and your family. I know its been difficulty, and I'm gonna support you as much I can. Hope you feeling better, and your family too.
Big hug

life update

So, typing again and a piece of my life.
Earlier I said that my mother's condition had improved, but it turned out to be only a temporary effect. Over the past month, she has already undergone 6 pleural punctures. Hydrothorax does not go away, her condition has been deteriorating significantly all this time. One-time procedures did not help to stabilize her condition for long and after a few days she became ill again, we reached the point where her lung was completely hidden on the x-ray, and surgeons pumped out more than 5 liters of this fluid at a time. This is very risky, but there is no other choice. Now she is again hospitalized with constant drainage and an oxygen mask. Although she feels better, her mobility has suffered greatly. These tubes and medical equipment are everywhere, although I have gotten used to it over all these years, it is very depressing.
Today I turned on my PC for the first time this week to write this. Unfortunately, I am catastrophically short of free time and energy to devote to creativity.
A note to my paid subscribers:
I'm not likely to have any new content here anytime soon, so if you subscribed for the weekly projects, you may want to pause your subscription for now. I'll send you a notification when I'm back up and running. Thanks for being here, love you all!
Hot spring.pg4 - [ HD + Alts ]
Level required:
✨ Level 3 ✨
Hot spring.pg4 - [ SD + Alts ]
Level required:
✨ Level 2 ✨
Hot spring.pg4 - [ SD ]
Level required:
✨ Level 1 ✨
Hot spring.pg3 - [ HD + Alts ]
Level required:
✨ Level 3 ✨
Hot spring.pg3 - [ SD + Alts ]
Level required:
✨ Level 2 ✨
Hot spring.pg3 - [ SD ]
Level required:
✨ Level 1 ✨
Hot spring.pg2 - [ HD + Alts ]
Level required:
✨ Level 3 ✨
Hot spring.pg2 - [ SD + Alts ]
Level required:
✨ Level 2 ✨

Subscription levels

✨ Level 1 ✨

$ 1,26 per month
☘️ Early Access Art

✨ Level 2 ✨

$ 2,51 per month
☘️ Early Access Art
☘️ Alternate versions of art

✨ Level 3 ✨

$ 6,3 per month
☘️ Early Access Art
☘️ Alternate versions of art
🍀 High Resolution Files
🍀 Sketches
🍀 Step by step

✨ MAX Level ✨

$ 12,6 per month
I have nothing else to offer you. But you can support me additionally. Everything that is available on other levels will be available to you.
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