New Year)
First - as promised, latest Regular piece, public-free)
You know Emprah cares for ye and such... so why not to see what else They have for you at the beginning of a new year, hm?..
Well, no illusions about coming times, humankind is not up to doing things better in any other way, except for "me and me alone". "Me" is the only D'Artagnan on the whole planet...
So things won't get better. And you know they won't)
Thus, let's enjoy what we have and can have, without causing others more troubles they already have on their hands. Just like Emprah would've, yes)
And now - off you go to celebrations for a few days!
We'll be back in three-four days here - and will be back to our regular work, just as should)
Best of wishes - and stay safe.
Thy, R.