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Access to Luma site: https://lumalabs.ai/genie?view=create
Access to Vizkom https://www.vizcom.ai/
Mobile device: IOS/ANDROID

In video I use my own Alpha pack's for Cloth and Sci-fi stuff (You can use your own)
Cloth Alpha Pack: https://boosty.to/razuminc/posts/a46c2239-3a8c-416f-8bd1-0ad455766aa9?share=post_link
RaZum Brush Pack 3D PRO https://boosty.to/razuminc/posts/6d450ec3-003e-4887-8d7b-9f3966198a8b?share=post_link
Concept tools for Nomadhttps://boosty.to/razuminc/posts/b7dc9365-9b57-4619-b434-39252e8e50ce?share=post_link

Hi all! Well, the time for new technologies has come! Progress does not stand still, whether we like it or not, but artificial intelligence is developing at an unprecedented speed. If earlier artificial intelligence could draw two-dimensional pictures, now it can generate 3D. There are still primitive versions, but I think soon he will be able to make more detailed models, it’s only a matter of time.
Despite the large number of neural networks, they are all still helpless without a person, and yet I think that this is more of a tool than a replacement for an artist. What do you think?
In the meantime, until Skynet takes over the world, I would like to show you how you can use artificial intelligence in your work. As you know, I work as a concept artist and I can say that this method gives a good start if, for example, you don’t know where to start. In any case, the neural network will not do all the work for you and you will have to work hard to bring the model to its final form.

RU:Всем привет! Ну что же время новых технологий пришло!
Прогресс не стоит на месте, нравится ли нам это или нет но искусственный интеллект развивается с небывалой скоростью. Если раньше искусственный интеллект мог рисовать двухмерные картинки, то теперь он может генерировать 3D. Пока примитивные версии, но я думаю вскоре он сможет делать более детальные модели, это лишь вопрос времени.
Несмотря на большое колличество нейронных сетей, все они пока беспомощны без человека и все же я думаю, что это больше инструмент, нежели замена художнику. А как считаете вы?
А пока Cкайнет не захватил мир, я хотел бы вам показать, как можно использовать искусственный интеллект в своей работе. Как вы знаете я работаю концепт-художником и могу сказать что этот способ дает хороший старт, если вы к примеру не знаете с чего начать. В любом случае нейронная сеть не сделает за вас всю работу и придется потрудиться чтобы довести модель до финального вида.
nice - 👍
Very nice idea ! These new tools are so impressive to me ! Your idea to link to Nomad… beautiful. Thank you for showing us and sharing. Didier - France
Didier Guillon, thank you Didier! I grateful for your feedback!
a very good idea and the result is amazing !
Kenshiroalfaransy, Thank you!ClappingHandsClappingHandsClappingHands
Your channel used to be so inspiring to me. Seeing you create works of art like your predator, Darth Vader, and so many other awesome scenes and robots with a program that was limited and simpler than the likes of Zbrush. I anticipated your next tutorial to see what you would come up with. As a subscriber each month, I seem to wait more and more for something worthwhile. Ready made pose-able models are great, but what inspired me to follow you in the first place seems to be the thing that I see less and less of.
This example, although great from a concept art point of view, just makes me discouraged and uninspired. I really appreciate your work immensely and understand why you want to diversify posts here, but I felt I needed to state how this all makes me feel as an artist, while hoping you don’t see it as an attack on the quality of your work. Basically, I come here to get inspired, and recently it seems like the general posts are more “utilitarian” than artistic. I miss the awe that your artwork used to produce.
Jako Lanterne,  Many large projects I am working on in Nomad under NDA. I can only share some of them publicly and of course I will share the process if I can. I will definitely post more works, but you must understand that I receive a lot of requests per day and it is physically impossible to process everything. ClappingHandsAnyway 
Thank you for your feedback and support!
a huge thank you for this tutorial, I had heard about this type of AI but I didn't think it was so easy to access! the luma site is a gold mine (like your page! which helps me a lot to progress on nomad sculpt, a big thank you to you...) for creating small objects like eyes, teeth, weapons etc. .and to then be able to integrate them into a project by reworking them.. (I have not yet completely tested the procedure that you explain in the tutorial but it also opens incredible doors, saving time to progress on large projects ..) in short, a big thank you!
Kenshiroalfaransy, Thank you very much for your feedback! Your support helps me do what I do!ClappingHandsClappingHandsClappingHands
Man.. I am one of the few who genuinely acknowledge the fact that these AI tools/programs won't stop evolving so it is our responsibility to adapt or some of us we'll clearly get left behind. As Ilya mentioned, although it is efficient (gain of time) it still requires a huge amount of post-prod work in order to get a decent result. Personnally I'm v fascinated despite the sort of 'unethical' aspect considering these machine-learning models are generating/rendering 3D stuff in a matter of seconds due to trillion of massive data sets being continuously collected.
hybridroid, Thank you for your opinion, I think that we are on the verge of a revolution and big changes. The world is changing, but this does not mean that everything is lost! There are still artists who are engaged in traditional art, despite the fact that there is digital graphics.
RaZuM, Indeed, the world is transitioning. I do believe both worlds (traditional & digital) are not incompatible. Two centuries ago when photography was invented people used to think it was the death of traditional art and years later alot has improved, new mediums/supports emerged then it was the same shift when Photoshop was introduced to the public yet here we are. (BTW, thank you for making me discover Vizcom, workbench BETA is ridiculously insane) !
Thanks RaZum! Hey so import to Nomad but there no textures on it.
Alan Okamura, send you pm
The tutorial was amazing. I was inspired and made this
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Justwatchin9 OnDaInnanets, if you don't mind I want to share your Helmet in my Instagramm.
RaZuM, its fine!
Hello. I decided to write to you here, since my proposal is thematically similar. Can you give some advice to someone who is just starting to do concept art and roughly describe what they need to know?
P.S.: Could you describe the pipeline for working on your project? Should I make some kind of checklist or recommend good courses after which I can already get a job?
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RaZuM, could you recommend any courses after which I could start creating a portfolio?
Alexa Freedman, 
I will not recommend specific courses since everyone needs to find own path and interest! But there must be basic knowledge of composition, construction of a beautiful frame, anatomy, mechanisms, perspective - this is the basis. classes every day help improve your skills, and it doesn’t have to be 3D. Start with 2D simple shapes. From simple to complex. Follow cool artists, but don’t imitate them, find your own path.
Razum, How many works should I have in my portfolio to begin with so that I can show it to the employer? Maybe you can make a post about all this?
Alexa Freedman, This is a rather difficult question, I will say this. You need to choose your direction as clearly as possible. If you are a universal artist, you have a better chance of finding a good job. And your portfolio in this case should be as diverse as possible. But if you like to do concepts for locations or just characters, then your portfolio should reflect all the main aspects of these areas.

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