creator cover Inna Razuvaeva

Inna Razuvaeva

Кукольный мастер
Inna Razuvaeva
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About the creator

Приветствую всех! Меня зовут Инна Разуваева и я профессионально занимаюсь изготовлением кукол с 2009 года. 
Давно хотела найти место, где я смогла бы делится с вами своими выкройками и наработками. 
Здесь вы сможете найти выкройки и самостоятельно шить дома игрушки для своих детей или аксессуары для кукол.
Это новый для меня опыт, поэтому буду рада любой вашей поддержке или конструктивной критике ))
My name is Inna Razuvaeva and I have been professionally making dolls since 2009.
For a long time I wanted to find a place where I could share my patterns and developments with you.
Here you can find patterns and sew toys for your children or accessories for dolls at home.
This is a new experience for me, so I will be glad for any of your support or constructive criticism ))
Join, create and get creative!
Присоединяйтесь, творите и вытворяйте!
Мои готовые работы вы можете купить здесь/My finished works : https://www.livemaster.ru/innara
Мой блог/ My Blogger : https://innara-hwife.blogspot.com/
Моя группа в ВК/ My VK group  https://vk.com/public204534561
При необходимости, пишите л/с  в ВК https://vk.com/id96817253
My email: razdoll_e@vk.com 
Instructions "How to pay to foreign customers":
Обучающий курс "В стиле кукол Izannah Walker. В закрытой группе ВК
Обучающий курс в закрытой группе в ВК.  Кукла не является репликой оригинальной Изанны, но в ней собраны основные детали кукол Izannah.
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Как я провела новогодние каникулы, или о важности точных формулировок

Друзья, с Новым рабочим годом!
Надеюсь, ваши каникулы прошли так, как вы планировали. У меня тоже мечты сбылись, правда, не совсем так, как я задумала. Все потому, что снова неверно сформулировала запрос ко Вселенной. Мой запрос был "отдохнуть во время рождественских каникул".
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Izannah Walker style mini-doll in blue dress

This little Izzy is not a reproduction of Izannah Walker's dolls, but I tried to make her look like Izannah's dolls. The doll is only 23 cm (9.2 inches) tall. This baby can be both a play doll and a companion doll at home, on the road or at work. The doll is sewn from fabric, I made her face from papier-mâché. It is fully mobile, very pleasant in the hands. Oil painting of hair, face and boots - in the style of Izannah Walker dolls. The dress and bonnet are made of American cotton, a reproduction of 1850-1865.
The baby has a favorite toy - a primitive rabbit. Stand included.
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Izannah Walker style mini-doll in blue dress

This little Izzy is not a reproduction of Izannah Walker's dolls, but I tried to make her look like Izannah's dolls.
The doll is only 23 cm (9.2 inches) tall.
This baby can be both a play doll and a companion doll at home, on the road or at work.
The doll is sewn from fabric, I made her face from papier-mâché. It is fully mobile, very pleasant in the hands. Oil painting of hair, face and boots - in the style of Izannah Walker dolls. The dress and bonnet are made of American cotton, a reproduction of 1850-1865.
The baby has a favorite toy - a primitive rabbit. Stand included.
Economy shipping included. If you want EMS delivery - write to me.
Attention: due to the unstable situation, the delivery time may be increased. I can not influence the work of the mail, but I will track the parcel too. If you have questions - contact me.
You will be able to buy this doll in the next post
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Little Izannah Walker style Doll

This little Izzy is not a reproduction of Izannah Walker's dolls, but I tried to make her look like Izannah's dolls.
The doll is  24 cm (9.4 inches) tall.
This baby can be both a play doll and a companion doll at home, on the road or at work.
The doll is sewn from fabric, I made her face from papier-mâché. It is fully mobile, very pleasant in the hands. Oil painting of hair, face and boots - in the style of Izannah Walker dolls. The dress and bonnet are made of American cotton, a reproduction of 1850-1865.
The baby has a favorite toy - a primitive cat. Stand included.
Economy shipping included. If you want EMS delivery - write to me.
Attention: due to the unstable situation, the delivery time may be increased. I can not influence the work of the mail, but I will track the parcel too. If you have questions - contact me.
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Izannah Walker style boy doll

Baby in the style of Izannah Walker dolls. It can be both a play doll and a companion doll at home, on the road or at work.
The boy is sewn from fabric, fully movable, very pleasant in the hands. Oil painting of hair, face and boots - in the style of Izannah Walker dolls. The suit is made of American cotton, a reproduction of 1850-1865.
The baby has a favorite toy - a horse on a stick. Stand included.
Please contact me prior to purchase to discuss delivery options. The final cost after agreeing with the buyer on the delivery method.
Due to objective reasons, a refund is temporarily not possible. Please make a purchase consciously.
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Izannah Walker doll style

After a short pause and a serious rethinking of my activities, I started working again. And the first thing I did was a new pattern for babies in the style of Izannah Walker dolls. In a way, this is a more simplified version.
But the dolls are still playable. They are sewn from fabric, and therefore mobile. You can sew new outfits or order additional sets of clothes. They can live on your shelf or in a doll house.
Kids are very tactile, playful, fit in the palm of your hand. It is not scary to give them to a child - they will not break or break.
We managed to catch a sunny day during these May holidays and take some photos in nature. You can buy ready-made or order similar ones in my store
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Russian artel doll at an exhibition in Moscow

В пятницу, 08 апреля, я побывала на выставке Moscow Fire . Я очень хотела увидеть оригинальные Русские артельные куклы из коллекции Елены Елагиной. Эти куклы прекрасны. В нашей стране они мало известны, их делали артели в 1920-1940-х годах для продажи в Америке и Европе. Теперь некоторые куклы вернулись в Россию. Надеюсь, когда-нибудь, похожая кукла будет и в моей коллекции, а пока я поделюсь с вами фотографиями с выставки. 
On Friday, April 08, I visited the Moscow Fire exhibition. I really wanted to see the original Russian artel dolls from the collection of Elena Elagina. These dolls are wonderful. In our country, they are little known, they were made by artels in the 1920-1940s for sale in America and Europe. Now some dolls have returned to Russia. I hope someday, a similar doll will be in my collection, but for now I will share with you photos from the exhibition.
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Pdf выкройка Блузки для куклы/ Pdf pattern Blouses for 16-17 inch dolls
Pdf pattern blouse for a doll size 16-17 inches. Recommended for Izannah Walker dolls or similar dolls.
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