creator cover Ragora57


704.83 of $ 10 174 money raised
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About the creator

Hi, I'm Ragora57, an artist, and I'd love to welcome you to my Boosty page. I'm inspired by fanart from Warcraft, FF14 and other games of similar genre, and my goal is to bring your (and mine too) stories to life in a way you won't encounter when playing the above mentioned games (if you know what I mean).
By joining me on this platform, you will have the unique opportunity to support me on my creative journey. As my subscribers/sponsors, you will receive exclusive content including work in progress, unique illustrations, and access to limited editions of my work. Your support will help me realize my ideas and develop my art.
Subscriptions will be coming soon, for now you can click on the "Follow" button so you don't lose sight of me. It's completely free
I look forward to traveling the art world together, and I'm sure that together we can create something really interesting.
Thank you for your attention to my art and for your support!

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