Dasha Posmei
Dasha Posmei
3 subscribers

“Do you want me to say it?”

He pauses briefly, "I lo..."
"No need!"
Her fingers rest on Commander's lips.
“I want to say it first,” she hesitates a little, “This is important.”
He obediently closes his eyes and gently puts his arms on Celesté's shoulders.
She doesn't look up for a while.
"Cullen... why do you like me?"
Commander relaxes visibly, as if he's been given the easiest question. He takes her hand and covers it with his own.
“Because… that you are the most remarkable woman I have ever met. You light the way for everything around you - and before you quip, it's not about the mark at all."
Celesté chuckles - he knows her well.
“You became an example for me,” he kisses her hand, “And I..."
“I love you,” she interrupts, looking straight up at him.
Cullen doesn't look away, as if trying to remember the moment. And slowly, giving weight to each pause, he answers:
"I love you too."
She knows this - but still, for a split second, her eyebrows rise.
"You don't believe me?"
"I do. Honestly."
Trevelyan wraps him in a leisurely hug.
"Thanks for waiting."

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