creator cover Игорь Анатольевич

Игорь Анатольевич

Программы создания схем плетения и вышивки бисером
Игорь Анатольевич
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About the creator

Котелевский Игорь Анатольевич. Россия.
Автор компьютерных программ "Бисер и мулине с MyJane", "Бисерная гладь с MyJane", "Бисероплетение с MyJane", "Алмазная мозаика с MyJane", "Дизайн мозайкой с MyJane", а также их англоязычных версий "Bead-n-Stitch", "BeadCreatorArt", "PeyoteCreator", "TileMosaicDesigner". Подробнее см. https://biserpro.ru и https://bead-n-stitch.com
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"Бисер и мулине с MyJane". Создание схем вышивки и плетения бисером, вышивки крестом и смешанной техники в классическом стиле. Полная и частичная зашивка. Встроенный редактор палитры. Русский язык.
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PeyoteCreator & Bead-n-Stritch at the same time with 10% discount
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PeyoteCreator software for geometrical beading - 3d peyote star, 3d pod, 3d jingle bell, warped square, peyote triangle, etc. After payment, be sure to write to the author at iko57@mail.ru to get the details of the program installation.
PeyoteCreator software for geometric beading https://bead-n-stitch.com/peyotecreator/
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BeadCreatorArtistic software for artistic bead design. Different bead sizes and bead shapes at the same design. Arbitrary orientation of the bead around its center. After payment, be sure to write to the author at iko57@mail.ru to get the details of the program installation.
BeadCreatorArtistic software for artistic bead embroidery design https://bead-n-stitch.com/art/
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Bead-n-Stitch - software for classic beading and embroidery. Design by photo and blank canvas, reduce colors number, remove separated beads, etc. After payment, be sure to write to the author at iko57@mail.ru to get the details of the program installation.
Bead-n-Stitch the software for classic beading and bead embroidety. Design by photo and blank canvas, https://bead-n-stitch.com/
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