Paul Miller

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In this article I will show you how to draw in hundreds of targeted followers every day, who will eventually become your potential customers. If you are looking to make money from your blog via Instagram or expand your business via social networks and other social networks, you must be up-to-date with the most recent trends and tools.
Here , I will discuss proven services in depth - to help you quickly incorporate them into your strategy and increase the number of targeted followers per day.

How to Change an Instagram Profile From Private to Public

If you created the Instagram profile to show off your business or connect with professionals from their field of expertise, you might have started with an account for yourself that you could make either public or private. While account that is private Instagram private account can provide certain security advantages but you may want to make it public in order to allow your content to be accessible to a larger audience. The good news is that Instagram allows you to change your account from privately to public. You can also choose of switching to a professional account, which can offer you analytical and marketing tools. Find out more about instagram private account
Comparing Instagram Account Types
Instagram allows both professional and personal accounts. The privacy options and features for accounts differ between the two types.
MailUp states that certain businesses may opt to not use the official account as it doesn't offer the option of private. It is possible that they would prefer an individual Instagram account, and then make it private in order to safeguard their privacy, limit spam , and even filter followers. In reality, Instagram public professional accounts have additional features such as an contact button and permissions to allow others to run the account as well as marketing analytics tools which aren't accessible for personal accounts.
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A step-by-step guide to downloading a video from Facebook

A step-by-step guide to downloading a video from Facebook. 
Facebook is booming with videos: educational videos teaching you to garden or code, those addicting and useless 5-minute craft videos, the very visibly faked videos of people catching their partners cheating on them, aliens caught on film. If there is a craving for content, that content is likely on Facebook in video form.
If you want to share that video, you can copy the link and send it to a friend, or DM it to them through the app. You can save the video, but that doesn’t actually save the video to your phone or computer's hard drive — instead, it adds the video to your saved video bookmarks so you can find it easier and watch it later on Facebook. Sometimes, though, a video is simply too brilliant or helpful to not have saved onto your phone. Maybe you want to show a parent, or access it when you’re offline. In order to download a video from Facebook, you’ll have to follow through with a few steps.
Before we get started, it’s important to note that you should hesitate before downloading just any video. You don’t want to download copyrighted content, and if you want to download a friends’ privately uploaded video on Facebook, you may just want to ask them if it’s OK before you go through the trouble of downloading. Hey, maybe they’ll just send it to you.
1. Pick a video
A screenshot of the 5-minute crafts video on Facebook we want to download. 
Find a video you want to save.
2. Copy the link
You'll need to copy the link of the Facebook video in order to download it. 
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I have strictly followed this guide, but still I'm unable to download videos from Facebook. I'm now going to ask a friend of mine who works in dallas video production services on how to download videos from Facebook. I bet he can help me out in this respect.
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