Nero-Rusk [HnS Avatar]
Special info:
1. Music
- Nero's musical themes (and remix) from 4-5 parts of games
2. Green Orb
- During the appearance of the Green Orb, you need use fist gesture (R Fist) [Heal 20HP]
3. Devil Trigger
- Blue effect, does not give an advantage in battle
1. Red Queen [-10hp on hit]
- Charge Weapon Effect (Use Thumbs Up Gesture when RQ on Spine)
2. Blue Rose [-5hp on hit]
- Use Thumbs Up Gesture for Shots
3. Devil Hand Charging [-50hp on hit]
- Use FIST Gesture for charge [12 sec]
4. HP System
- The avatar has a health scale, after death you need to pinch (L Fist + R Fist) to recover
Info for Quest:
- Especially for the Quest version, many functions do not work.