creator cover Ostrolist art

Ostrolist art

I am an illustrator
Ostrolist art
103.91 of $ 104 money raised
YCH Energy scythe illustration. Please complete the scale.
141.47 of $ 142 money raised
YCH Golden circle illustration Please complete the scale.
232 of $ 233 money raised
Illustration. Miles and Skylar
94.9 of $ 95 money raised
Illustration. Snowy street
298.69 of $ 299 money raised
Lion and bunnies group illustration. Please complete the scale
24.97 of $ 25 money raised
Elmbloom emojis
64.22 of $ 65 money raised
Catacombs illustration
103.32 of $ 104 money raised
SammyDaLion and Rhea illustration
69.53 of $ 70 money raised
Illustration. Ship jail

About the creator

Hi! I'm Ostrolist.
I'm an illustrator and do commissions. I will be posting my work here from now. The monthly support is very optionall. I will be posting new stuff regardless. But I still highly appreciate any support.
I also do streams on Twitch. Every saturday 8 00 PM Moscow time.
Привет! Я Остролист!
Я иллюстратор и принимаю заказы. Я буду выкладывать здесь мои работы. Ежемесячная подписка совсем не обязательна, но я ценю любую поддержку.
Я также провожу стримы на Twitch. Каждую субботу в 20:00 по московскому времени.
Business email ostrolistwork@gmail.com

Subscription levels


$ 1,26 per month
For those who feel especially generous and want to buy me a cupcake a month.
Для тех кто особо щедр. Небольшой донат на кексик в месяц.
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