обложка автора Oracle-Sphinx


Mythical sphinx artist. Yes, I exist!
0 из 100 платных подписчиков
When I get 100 subscribers I'll be able to focus more on personal projects~
870.54 из $ 11 230 собрано
Commission payments💰
28.64 из $ 11 230 собрано
Just a tip jar💎

Об авторе

✨Good day to you!✨
Let me introduce myself:

I'm Oracle-Sphinx, an artist who likes mythology and almost forgotten sphinx species. My goal is to popularize them, and I do so by drawing them and meeting people who already like sphinxes too or take interest in them because of me💖

I would like to show you what I've got and to meet you as well!

Have a glance at my galleries and support me if you're interested~

Sphinxtember 2022 - part 1
Нужен уровень:
Sphinx Collector
Boulder Crash [Fullsize]
Don't look back, just RUN!!!
Нужен уровень:
Sphinx Collector
Tiana's Transformation [FullSize]
A little experiment I did~
Нужен уровень:
Sphinx Collector
Sphinx Rancher
Нужен уровень:
Sphinx Collector
Payment post for Multi-slot "Blep" YCH Also gives Access to fullsize Taira blep (:
Пост доступен только после покупки
YCH Listen to the Wind
Post for the YCH buyer
Пост доступен только после покупки

Уровни подписки

Sphinx Collector

$ 5,7 в месяц
 ☆ Sneak peeks
 ☆ WIPs
 ☆ High resolution pics
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