oko_dressThe PDF-file includes the designer’s crocheting pattern for the crochet dress and tank top oko_dress by okozaokoPost is available after purchasebuy for $ 7.4
oko_crownThe PDF-file includes the designer’s crocheting pattern for the crochet headband hat oko_crown by okozaokoPost is available after purchasebuy for $ 4.3
oko_collarThe PDF-file oko_collar includes the designer’s crocheting pattern for the crochet collar by okozaokoPost is available after purchasebuy for $ 5
oko_animalbandsThe PDF-file includes the designer’s crocheting pattern for the crochet headbands oko_animalbands by okozaokoPost is available after purchasebuy for $ 5.6
oko_waveThe PDF-file includes the designer’s crocheting pattern for the crochet bag oko_wave by okozaokoPost is available after purchasebuy for $ 4.3
oko_cardiganThe PDF-file includes the designer’s crocheting pattern for the crochet cardigan oko_cardigan by okozaokoPost is available after purchasebuy for $ 6.2