Artyom Trakhanov
Artyom Trakhanov
38 subscribers
1 775.72 of $ 2 289 money raised
I will survive

ELDEN RING SKETCHBOOK: pre-purchase some drawings!

There are many characters that are guaranteed to appear in my ongoing Elden Ring sketchbook (future Souls Love #3 zine, hopefully), but if you want to sponsor the project and get the original of a specific drawing shipped to you - it's your time!
I currently have donation goals for these 3 characters set up:
And all you need to do to reserve one of the small drawings for yourself is make a one-time full donation to one of the three donation goals:
Let me know if you have any questions, and feel free to leave a request for your other favorite characters, so maybe they can appear here in future!

Subscription levels


$ 1,15 per month
Access to general art posts / Доступ к постам с рисунками


$ 2,29 per month
Access to comics process posts and other secret work / Доступ к постам с комиксами и другой секретной работе


$ 11,5 per month
Something special ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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