
OBD enthousiast

About the creator

All about OBD and VCDS, the diagnostic software for Audi, Cupra, Seat, Skoda and Volkswagen. The VCDS HEX-V2 and the HEX-NET Diagnostic Tools support all VAG-group models (K-line, L-line and CAN bus). Further car brands are covered by the OBD2 functionality integrated in VCDS or our OBD-scanner. HEX-V2 and HEX-NET can both be used via USB, with respect to the Windows VCDS software, both offer full functionality. The HEX-NET offers the additional advantage of being usable by VCDS-Mobile via Wifi in the web browser on any internet capable device, perfect for diagnostics on your own vehicle on the road.
New: We now support french speaking countries with our outils OBD et logiciels OBD.
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