creator cover <n/>script


Independent Development | Независимая разработка
0 of 55 paid subscribers
SwiftDial 5️⃣5️⃣

About the creator

Thank you for supporting <n/>script.
We develop independent free apps and extensions available to everyone.
Help us improve our existing software solutions and create new ones.
You can support us with one time donations on Boosty, CloudTips or YooMoney, subscribe for one of the monthly donations on the right as well as for VK Donut.
🏆 If you're not against a little minute of fame, please send us your preferred name or nickname in the donation comment, via a personal message or email, and we will publicly thank you with posts on our social media.
Благодарим за желание поддержать студию <n/>script.
Мы разрабатываем независимые бесплатные приложения и дополнения доступные для всех.
Помогите нам совершенствовать наши существующие программные решения и создавать новые.
Вы можете поддержать нас с помощью единоразовых донатов на BoostyCloudTips или YooMoney, подписаться на одну из ежемесячных опций справа или на VK Donut.
🏆 Если Вы не против небольшой минутки славы, напишите в комментарии к донату, в личном сообщении или на email, какое имя или никнейм мы должны указать, и мы публично поблагодарим Вас постами на наших страницах в соцсетях.

Happy New Year! | С Новым Годом!

🎄 Happy New Year to all our users and subscribers!
👍 We're glad that you're with us and are hoping that this year we'll still be able to live up to your trust and bring you many new features and products.
🏆 We'd also like to personally thank Anthony G. for donating over $20 via Boosty.
✅ Your donations help us keep our software solutions independent and reliable, improve them as well as create new ones.
✅ More than that, the donations allow us to replace out-of-order equipment and buy the equipment that is still missing.
🏆 If you're not against a little minute of fame, please send us your preferred name or nickname in the donation comment, via a personal message or email, and we will publicly thank you with posts on our social media.
🎄 See you this New Year!
🎄 Поздравляем всех наших пользователей и подписчиков с Новым Годом!
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Thank you | Спасибо

👍 Today we'd like to thank the people who have supported us recently.
Thanks to:
🏆 Александр Р for donating ₽600 via VK Donut
🏆 Firefox user 18730304 for donating ₽300 via CloudTips
🏆 3DES for donating ₽200 via Boosty
🏆 Николай К for donating ₽100 via Boosty
🏆 People who have anonymously donated over ₽700 in total via YooMoney
Your donations help us keep our software solutions independent and reliable, as well as create new ones.
✅ More than that, the donations allow us to replace out-of-order equipment and buy the equipment that is still missing.
👍 Сегодня мы бы хотели выразить благодарность людям, которые поддерживали нас в последнее время.
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Past Weeks News | Новости последних недель

Today we'd like to share our news from the past few weeks.
✅ We've fixed an issue of the 54th version of SwiftDial for Chrome, Edge and SwiftDial YN that in some cases prevented backup creation. The versions with the fix will be released on Chrome Web Store and Edge Add-ons Store after passing review and will be updated automatically.
🎁 For our users from Russia, we've added another service, CloudTips by T-Bank (Tinkoff), to our donations page, so that those of you who'd like to support us would be able to choose the most convenient way to do that. The service allows users to send donations by banking cards, via the Quick Payments System (СБП) or via T-Pay.
🎁 Users from other regions should still be able to use Boosty for donations.
📱 On our support pages for donations, ratings and social media there are now QR-codes that you can scan to instantly open the pages on another device.
🎁 Thank you for supporting us in these uncertain times. Only thanks to you our products, such as SwiftDial, SwiftTheme and SwiftDial Extra remain reliable and independent and we have an opportunity to continue improving them and come up with new ones.
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Browser support update | Обновление поддержки в браузерах

The SwiftDial Browser Support page now provides instructions on how to use SwiftDial as a traditional homepage with the Android versions of Firefox and Yandex browsers.
It also features the new mobile browser SmartCookieWeb Preview that has some semblence to the classic versions of Firefox for Android, and lists some alternative browsers to the ones already listed.
На странице поддержки SwiftDial в браузерах появилась инструкция, как использовать SwiftDial в качестве традиционной домашней страницы в Android-версиях браузеров Firefox и Яндекс.
Также добавлена информация о новом мобильном браузере SmartCookieWeb Preview, чем-то похожем на классические версии Firefox для Android, и альтернативных браузерах, сходных с теми, которые уже указаны на странице.
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SwiftDial 50 + SwiftDial Launcher

Introducing the anniversary 50th version of SwiftDial, where we fixed the slideshow mode of SwiftDial's backgrounds on Firefox for Android.
Also introducing our new Extra-extension, SwiftDial Launcher, that brings back the freedom of launching your favorite homepage even on stubborn mobile browsers.
✔️ Launcher allows you to add the Open SwiftDial button on all websites and choose its position, size, color and opacity.
✔️ It also can open new SwiftDial tab or replace the active tab on browser startup.
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Subscription levels

Hope | Надежда

$ 2,13 per month

Support | Поддержка

$ 5,4 per month

Helping Hand | Рука помощи

$ 10,7 per month

Pillar | Опора

$ 21,3 per month

Lifeline | Спасательный круг

$ 54 per month

Guardian Angel | Ангел-хранитель

$ 107 per month
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