1 подписчик
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Нужен уровень:
Really? Level 3

Уровни подписки

Thanks! 1 level

$ 3,4 в месяц
You like the game and are a little supportive of the author
-You get early access to game updates

Thank you very much! Level 2

$ 4,5 в месяц
You liked the game, you support the author and really look forward to the sequel!
-You get early access to game updates
-You get access to exclusive 18+ sketches of the game's characters

Really? Level 3

$ 6,8 в месяц
You VERY much liked the game, you support the author and are VERY much looking forward to the sequel!
-You get early access to game updates
-You get access to exclusive 18+ sketches of the game's characters
-You get access to exclusive full-featured 18+ drawings of the game's characters

Not bad. level 4

$ 11,3 в месяц
You're a real fan. Several times a week you check for game updates. This kind of passion, makes the author work on the game more often.
-You get early access to game updates
--You get access to exclusive 18+ sketches of the game's characters
-You get access to exclusive full-featured 18+ drawings of the game's characters
- Access to an exclusive chat with the game creators
- Once a month, you can order one sketch on any theme (not necessarily with the characters of this particular game)

Wow! Level 5

$ 16,9 в месяц
You're a fanatic. You can't live a day without the Author's game, you check every day for updates and you already start dreaming about characters from the Author's game
The author is beginning to fear you.
-All of the above + a special mention in the splash screen and the main game menu.

Holy shit! Level 6!

$ 22,6 в месяц
One day as you pass by the school, you notice children who look like characters from Author's game and kidnap them, lock them in your basement and force them to respond to the names of characters from Author's game, asking them to call themselves Yuichi.
-All of the above + your favorite character from this game confesses his love, PERSONALLY TO YOU, in a separate game mode. :D

The legendary forbidden level 7?!

$ 57 в месяц
You begin to think of yourself as the author, you are convinced that you are the one who created the game. When someone is about to remind you that you are not the author, you begin to snarl angrily at people. One night you sneak onto school grounds and sneak into the basement. Rumors begin to circulate among the kids about the school ghost growling from the basement.
-All of the above + fulfill in-game 1 of your scripted wishes. (will not be considered canon)