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Октиллери / Octillery

   Мдам, как я написал в предыдущем посте, времени на Blender у меня совсем нет. Но я просто не мог пройти мимо ЭТОГО! Так что, вот вам низкокачественная, полушуточная анимация + модель октиллери. 
Well, as I mentioned in the previous post, I really don't have any time for Blender. But I just couldn't ignore THIS! So, here's a low-quality, semi-joking animation for you + octillery model.
octillery.blend3.27 MbDownload
I'm glad I wasn't the only one who had that thought when they saw Octillery's mouth for the first time... A fun thing to watch, thank you for sharing! Here's hoping life allows you to do a little more Blender in the future, heh
imarobotbeepbep, thank you! I hope I’ll be able to dive into Blender full-time in about half a year.

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Happy dragon / Счастливый дракон

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