Обновление аддона MACHIN3tools v0.4
v0.4 2020-10-16
change addon preferences
by default only enable the Modes pie and Focus tool to prevent new
users feeling overwhelmed and to emphasize the customizability
add Tools Pie Menu
BoxCutter and HardOps support
optionally draw Quick Menu and Toolsbar
Add Snapping Pie
Viewport Pie
add ResetViewport
add optional orbit method selection (enable in addon prefs)
use ORTHO when
aligning to a selectionadd Custom Views, either in Local or Cursor space
optionally set trackball navigation when using custom views
optionally set transform preset when switching them on
turn off ortho grid when using custom view, as it isn't drawn properly anyway
Transform Pie
use VIEW preset instead of GLOBAL in custom views
add correct face attributes settings
Shading Pie
prevent accidentally switching to solid shading, when attempting to smooth in Material mode
prevent accidentally clearing custom normals when toggling cavity
add stats toggle (2.90 only)
add curve properties
add RotateStudioLight
rotate studiolight by 180 degrees
optionally rotate visible light sources too
ToggleObjectAxes - draw cursor axes (in addtion to object axes)
Align Pie
Align - support aligning in cursor space
Center - support centering in cursor space
Cursor and Origin Pie
support edit mode alignment to Verts/Edges/Faces
support multi Vert/Edge/Face selections
the location is averaged, the rotation taken from the active
support only setting location
or rotation CTRL
DECALmachine support:
automatically change origins of projected/sliced decals and update decal backup matrices
MESHmachine support:
automatically change origins of stashed objects and update stash object matrices
use median weighted center instead of bounds center when aligning to face
because Blender's bounds center can produce locations not in the plane of the face
represent edit mode selection state in button label
support only setting location
or rotation CTRL
Save Pie
LoadMostRecent - ensure most recent file path still exists
MatcapSwitch - add option to force single color mode
fix rare unicode related exception when writing to the recent_files list/file
fbx export - use FBX_SCALE_ALL
Workspace Pie
SwitchWorkspace - also sync shading and overlays to non-alt workspaces, if
is pressedadd MACHIN3tools panel
add SmartDrive tool
easily drive one object's location/rotation with the location/rotation of another
add Unity Export (Preparation) tool
for now
support mesh objects
support armatures
support meshes parented to other meshes or bones
support bevel, mirror and displace mods
prepare objects to achieve 0 rotation imports
swivel y and z scale props
add optional triangulation
already integrated in DECALmachine 2.0's Atlas Export
Focus tool
Local View mode
add Focus Level HUD
also allow going up a level if selected objects == visible objects
so no need to deselect in that case
View Selected mode
if nothing is selected, focus on all visible objects
Align tool
support aligning to active bone
optionally parent to the bone
optionally align object Z to bone Y
optionally roll when aligning to Bone
prevent odd undo issue when calling the tool first thing in Blender's startup scene
Cleanup tool
add removal of redundant verts and/or edges (replaces previous 2-edged vert removal)
SmartEdge tool
add bridge capability and expose bridge props to Redo panel
add "Korean Bevel" capability
CTRL + 2
create "fake" bevel shading via support edges
uses offset edges or bevel, depending on topological conditions
Customize tool
update for 2.90
add statusbar changes for 2.90+
add extremely verbose terminal output for every change that is done (shading, overly, keymaps, etc)
enable use_uv_select_sync for startup file customization
fix Quadsphere exception in edit mode
fix PurgeOrphans tool not unregistering