обложка автора Marina M.

Marina M.

Marina M.

Об авторе

Storyboard/Character Artist and a Hobbyist Worldbuilder working in games and animation ✌️ Interest-hopping, tea-drinking, purple-loving gremlin 😾
2D-Художник по персонажам, художник-раскадровщик, неопределившийся перфекционист, маленький злобный гремлин 😾 

Commission Info (March 2022)

You can contact me on any social media or via @
Some rules:
- Full payment upfront (due to volatile exchange rates). No refunds.
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Hello friends,
Due to our current political situation - you know, the one I can't speak freely about without risking fines and/or jail - it's become a lot more difficult to be an artist (or, hell, just a regular living and breathing person) in Russia + there’s the (relevant as never before) question of immigration. My current goal is to have enough funds to stay afloat and set some aside while I’m getting all the paperwork in order, so commissions are open indefinitely until further notice.
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