creator cover Natalia Moonkin

Natalia Moonkin

Artist, plushmaker | Художник, мастер игрушек
Natalia Moonkin
930.72 of $ 1 024 money raised
За плюшки/ for plushies
88.39 of $ 103 money raised
На вкусняшки/For yummy treats for Natalia

About the creator

I'm Natalia, artist and plushmaker from Russia.
I can turn almost any of your characters into a soft plush doll.
Here you can support me or pay for a plush commission.
Thank you :)
You can find examples of my work here:
And I'm most active here now: https://twitter.com/Natalia_Moonkin
Я Наталья, художник и мастер плюшевых игрушек.
Я могу превратить практически любого вашего персонажа в мягкую плюшевую игрушку. 
Здесь вы можете поддержать меня или оплатить заказ. 
Спасибо :) 

Subscription levels

Just support <3

$ 1,54 per month
If you just want to support me, you can subscribe. A monthly subscription that will give me an extra cup of coffee and maybe some inspiration.
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