269 subscribers
16 of 50 paid subscribers
When I gain 50 subscribers, I will be able to devote more time to creativity.
284.93 of $ 576 money raised
December 8th is my birthday. You can congratulate me by sending a donation.I will be very glad of such a gift!
1 732.03 of $ 1 728 money raised
If I collect 150,000 rubles, I will publish 3 videos every month (2 regular tariffs and another VIP format).

Defeated but not broken. Foto

Okay, this video looks great, just from the images I can imagine the story, you look great with red eyes.
Здравствуйте, хотел предложить вам про спонсировать ваш ролик, за это я сыграю роль злодея
The red eyes are a cool effect
First of all the first fight scene looks fantastic! The video itself would be worth watching just for that and seeing you looking amazing in the classic Spider Girl suit!
But I also love that Dark Spider girl is actually a darker/evil personality of Spidergirl. If she is more violent and has no mercy it gives you a different range of emotions to act, but at the same time she may someday face a badguy that has no mercy or wants revenge since she is not fighting for justice, and we can see a more brutal or dirty fight! BeamingFace
for some reason my DM didnt reach you (it shows only one ✔️) 
wanted to ask if you still accept Paypal as method if shown the payment? If yes how should we best do it if my dm doesn’t reach you? Will your contact inform you about the payment instead?
Davys Amir, I got the same predicament trying to contact her to buy a previous video. Hope she gets the time to answer back soon
Davys Amir, Hi. I didn't have a connection for a week because I was on a mountain hike. I will reply to your messages soon

Subscription levels


$ 4,1 per month
This level is for those who want to participate in the support and expansion of my channel. As a thank you, I will publish photosets from the shooting.


$ 9,3 per month
ability to view 1-2 videos per month


$ 13,9 per month
The ability to view photos and videos in one subscription.


$ 28,8 per month
Additional video to the main tariff.

All videos

$ 70 per month
The ability to view all videos for the entire period.
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