322 subscribers
20 of 50 paid subscribers
When I gain 50 subscribers, I will be able to devote more time to creativity.
293.91 of $ 595 money raised
December 8th is my birthday. You can congratulate me by sending a donation.I will be very glad of such a gift!
1 786.56 of $ 1 783 money raised
If I collect 150,000 rubles, I will publish 3 videos every month (2 regular tariffs and another VIP format).

Happy birthday to me!

Hello friends. Today is my birthday! Due to internet problems, I couldn't upload the first video, but now I've changed the location and the Internet is better here. Don't worry about the video. You will receive all the videos of this month before Christmas
Happy birthday, may you have a happy December ♥️
Happy birthday to you. Have an amazing day. And all your wishes come true
Happy birthday Anastasia, i hope you have a wonderful day and that all your wishes come true.
С днем рождения, желаю счастья здоровья и успеха каналу
First picutre is like BD gift for us :)
Don't worry. Enjoy Your vacation and post something when You'll be home
Happy Birthday!!!
Happy Birthday!
Hi i’m just wondering if you could upload your videos to youtube? You see, due to the continuity of the russia-ukraine war, my country bans all russian website and news. every time i view your videos on boosty, i need to buy vpn.
Dave Dave, I think she do but have priv videos.
Happy Birthday Anastasia! Looking great as always!
Hope you had time to celebrate with friends and hoping you can create even more content next year! :)

Subscription levels


$ 4,2 per month
This level is for those who want to participate in the support and expansion of my channel. As a thank you, I will publish photosets from the shooting.


$ 9,6 per month
ability to view 1-2 videos per month


$ 14,3 per month
The ability to view photos and videos in one subscription.


$ 29,8 per month
Additional video to the main tariff.

All videos

$ 72 per month
The ability to view all videos for the entire period.
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