обложка автора Nasiya Kozochka

Nasiya Kozochka

furry and feral artist
Nasiya Kozochka
1 555.97 из $ 5 735 собрано
Saving up for a car!

Об авторе

Hi guys! ♥
As some of you already know, I am an artist from Russia
Not so long ago, Paypal in my country was suspended, so I would like to try this platform for donations
I hope that you will be comfortable here! Thank you for your support!!! ♥
My fa:

Уровни подписки

Regular subscription ♥

$ 2,3 в месяц
This is a basic level that includes basic buns. You will receive:
● WIP of upcoming works
● exclusive sketches (such sketches will ONLY be here)

Extended subscription ♥

$ 6,9 в месяц
This is a extended level that includes extended buns. You will receive:
● The process of work (Step - by - step)
● Fullsizes of my arts

Exclusive subscription ♥

$ 28,7 в месяц
This is a exclusive level that includes everything listed in the levels above!
You will also receive
● one headshot sketch art with simple bg (one per month)

Super Exclusive subscription ♥

$ 58 в месяц
This is a exclusive level that includes everything listed in the levels above!You will also receive
● one Halfbody -To the waist! sketch art with simple bg (one per month)  