El Poesu
El Poesu
4 подписчика

Harmony (Hi-res + WIP)

Mx.Poesu 2023 Polyamory.jpg9.24 MbСкачать
I sorta took Gustav Klimt and Keith Haring for inspiration (weird melange, I know)
Initially I went for more realistic faces. In the same time I wanted arms to be as simple as possible, otherwise the anatomy would be a total mess — I really wanted the composition and hands holding to be exactly like on the scribbles above, and I don't think it's actually possible irl, so stylization was the solution.
But as soon as I started drawing arms I realized that those simplified, boneless arms won't get along well with more complicated faces and hands. I was upset and erased everything. But I love this process of "art struggle," I start to feel kinda stubborn, like I join a competition and want to win no matter the cost. So I started from scratch, and didn't regret. That came out to be my favourite artwork so far.

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