обложка автора MouseTank


Mouse for traditional and digital drawing.
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It all starts small, right? The more of us the warmer the mouse heart❤️🐭PI! 🐭❤️
249.73 из $ 1 147 собрано
На ноутбук с хорошей цвето передачей т,,т прям очень хочется. On a laptop with good color transmission, I really want to.

Об авторе

Welcome to the MouseTank group, a fighting mouse who aspired to his cheese dream lives here.
The mouse's name is Tanya, for a closer circle - a tank or a mouse, hence the name itself.I draw whatever I like, but I prefer portraits and landscapes in the "tradition" more. While I'm still studying digital, this style jumps 🦘 * jump-jump*.
People, animals, furrrry, nature, all kinds of creatures with horns, wings, paws and claws.
The only thing I don't like is drawing cars in digital.
Меня смущает тот фак, что тут нельзя публиковать любой формат.... Зараза 
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$ 0,69 в месяц
  🐀Even a little help inspires us to work) , but you have access to:
🐾Early access to new art


$ 1,73 в месяц
🐁You are stronger and ready to move forward, you have access to:
🐾Early access to new art
🐾Access to additional content (sketch)
🐾Your personad can be noticed by me and drawn in traditional art(sketch) 


$ 2,3 в месяц
🐭🧀WOW! You are strong enough to master all the content.
🐾Access to additional content (SFW/NSFW, sketch)
🐾Early access to new art 
🧀Your personad can be noticed by me and drawn in traditional art(sketch) 