Victoria A
28.56 of $ 327 money raised
Personally for the author of the blog, for conducting journalistic and volunteer work. Лично автору блога, за ведение волонтёрской деятельности.
0 of $ 545 money raised
For the fund for the care of laboratory mice and rats. Rodents are happy to receive any amount of donation! Для бездомных грызунов - помощь приютам.
0 of $ 1 090 money raised
For women who find themselves in very difficult life situations. Various foundations will be grateful for your donations and attention. Женский фонд.
0 of $ 55 money raised
To develop a blog about Russia for foreigners. На развитие блога о России для иностранцев.
0 of $ 2 179 money raised
Commercial use of my drawings and art for donation (Any amount). Коммерческое использование моих рисунков и артов за донат (Любая сумма).

About the creator

Hello friends!
My name is Vika 🌺, I am an artist 🎨
I keep a blog about life in Russia, its culture, achievements, territory and place in the world. Read interesting news by subscription  🐻 📖 🇷🇺 >
I am very glad to all the guests of my blog. I opened my own small charity foundation. Charitable Foundation "Mice". I will be grateful for your donations!
🔸 My charitable foundation works in two directions:
First direction ❤️ >
I donate for my drawings to the rehabilitation of laboratory mice and rats. After experiments, their caring volunteers place them in good hands and look for a new loving home for the rodents.
Second direction ❤️ >
Transfers to various organizations helping women in difficult life situations. This includes a mother with small children after prison, disabled women, and homeless women.
Привет, друзья!
Меня зовут Вика 🌺, я художница 🎨
Я веду блог о жизни в России, её культуре, достижениях, территории и месте в мире. Читайте интересные новости по подписке 🐻 📖 🇷🇺 >
Очень рада всем гостям моего блога. Я открыла свой небольшой благотворительный фонд. Благотворительный фонд "Мышки". Буду благодарна Вашим пожертвованиям!
🔸 Мой благотворительный фонд работает по двум направлениям:
Первое направление ❤️ >
Я перевожу пожертвования за мои рисунки на реабилитацию лабораторных мышек и крыс. Их неравнодушные волонтеры, после экспериментов пристраивают в добрые руки, ищут грызунам новый любящий дом.
Второе направление ❤️ >
Переводы в разные организации, помогающие женщинам в сложных жизненных ситуация. Это и мамы с маленькими детьми после тюрьмы, и женщины-инвалиды, и бездомные женщины.
🎨 My drawings, which went to charities around the world. There are a lot of them:
🎨 Мои рисунки, которые ушли на благотворительность по всему миру. Их очень много:

Такие дела ✨ Such cases

Самая крутая социальная редакция в России - репортажи на острые социальные темы и благотворительность. Загляните, познакомьтесь, почитайте!
The coolest social editorial office in Russia is reporting on acute social issues and charity. Take a look, get acquainted, read!
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Is it true that Russians eat borscht all the time? Yes, it's true. Borscht is a very delicious unusual soup. Any housewife can cook it. Once a week, everyone makes sure to cook borscht in a huge 4-5 liter saucepan. And it's still instantly eaten. The best borscht in Russia is considered to be hearty and rich. There is a lot of meat and pieces of fat in it. It is delicious to eat borscht with sour cream.
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How many peoples live in Russia
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The symbols of Russia are among the Russians themselves
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How much does it cost to live in Moscow
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Which foreigners are the most in Russia
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The similarity of cultures in Russia and in the world
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Is it possible to receive 250,000 rubles from the state?

Poor Russians can receive a subsidy of 250,000 rubles to start their business — this is called a social contract.
How does a social contract differ from benefits? A social contract is an agreement between a local social protection agency and a person with a low income.
The Social Protection Department undertakes to provide certain financial assistance to the person in need, and he must find a job, undergo training or start his own business.
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Subscription levels

Blog about Russia

$ 1,64 per month
Blog about culture, nature, people and cities of Russia. Блог о культуре, природе, людях и городах России.

Blog news

$ 2,18 per month
Blog news. Donation reports. Interesting new facts and more. 
Subscription ≈ 2.5 $ per month
Новости блога. Отчеты о пожертвованиях. Интересные новые факты и прочее.

Regular donation

$ 10,9 per month
Regular assistance to the fund. Donation ≈ $12 per month. Регулярная помощь фонду - 1 раз в месяц.
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