28 subscribers
107.82 of $ 2 545 money raised
very future aim
2 562.39 of $ 2 545 money raised
saim aim, drawing for living
2 561.63 of $ 2 545 money raised
future aim

Jester weapon commission

Level required:
Tips for staff

Subscription levels

Tips for staff

$ 0,62 per month
Get some exclusive versions of our drawings


$ 1,53 per month
Hello visitor, here you will have some rest among your adventures.
You will see what is happening here in the Tavern. Also, you will have some supplies that you can use for you characters or NPC or whatever. That includes equipment or weapon sketches. 
Sketches, WIPs. 

Have a drink

$ 5,1 per month
You will get all previous content and one more supply set.
You can even try to patrol outskirts of the Tavern, but, take undead patrol with you, for first time. Or some allied ice demons.  
 And remember, all cults drawings are free to use for you in you campaigns. 

Outskirts dweller

$ 10,2 per month
Feel at home adventurer. And get third part of supplies, and remember with such amount of good you can equip your party and be ready to travel. 
...and yes, we will update this map. 

Tavern greetings

$ 31 per month
You will get all content from previous tiers and simple sketch of your character or equipment elements. 

Tavern regular

$ 41 per month
everybody knows you, you survived in the outskirts. 
You will get all previous content and instead of simple sketch you will have  detailed digital sketch of you character or equipment, or environment if needed.
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