Miss Ally (AlienAlly)
Miss Ally (AlienAlly)
118 подписчиков
27 из 500 платных подписчиков
I want to gain 500 paid subscribers. The more subscribers, the more motivation and mood for the development and creation of content.

Claire Redfield, Resident Evil

Нужен уровень:

Уровни подписки


$ 1,14 в месяц
All content is two images per day, every day. That's about 60 images per month. Plus variations of each image. I think it's very good for one month.
Some thematic voting as a way to express opinions on different topics.


$ 4,6 в месяц
All content for the previous tier, plus:
- Teasers of new character models and locations
- Comparing the appearance of models as a way to see the growth in the quality of the content that I provide
You will see some insights


$ 8 в месяц
All content for the previous tiers, plus:
- Character selection for the update in the form of voting (who will be the first)
- The process of creating models, the process of transferring locations
- Character selection for animation


$ 11,4 в месяц
All content for the previous tiers, plus:
- A choice for the port of characters who are in priority
- The choice of clothes for the port, which stylish clothes you would like to see first on the characters.
- Choose which location will be ported first, which locations are selected in the images