обложка автора Minami Koboyasy

Minami Koboyasy

Artist (NSFW/furry/anthro)
Minami Koboyasy
2 775.93 из $ 5 683 собрано
For living

Об авторе

Hey guys! It's Minami here ^w^
I'm a digital artist mainly focused on furry, anthro and mlp stuff
Not gonna lie I'm here only because there's no way to continue working with commissions via paypal directly >_<
I'd love to take a commission and also would appreciate the sponsorship subscription from you if you want to support me and my art
Social media:

Уровни подписки

a tip

$ 2,28 в месяц
access to all my sketches

a bigger tip

$ 5,7 в месяц
access to all my sketches+line-arts

the biggest tip!

$ 9,1 в месяц
access to all my sketches, line-arts and early access to final pieces