creator cover Merizmare


art and adult games
117 of 250 paid subscribers
work for food / работаю за еду

About the creator

Hi, this is the page of the game unnatural instinct, here you can find the latest news about the game, random art with the game characters and if you want, you can text me.
Привет, это страница игры unnatural instinct, здесь вы можете найти последние новости об игре, арт по мотивам и, если захотите, вы можете со мной связаться.
Gallery 0.8
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Hey guys,
has everyone played the update yet? Did you like it or not?
Reading the
forums has been a bit discouraging lately, although, for the past 5 months, the
number of subscribers has stayed about the same, so I think I might be doing
something wrong. Honestly, some things have been a bit disappointing. I thought
if I treated people well, they would do the same for me. As you know, I've
always released the game for free on the release day without any problems or
something. Obviously, no game can please everyone, and I hoped that people who
don't like this genre would say, "Okay, this just isn't my game, at least
I didn't pay for it and didn't lose anything." But now I see it doesn't
work that way. It feels like some people are annoyed by the very existence of
this game.
Now I'm
considering releasing new updates only here for subscribers, as other
developers do. I don't really want to do this, to be honest. I don't like the
subscription model many visual novel developers use. But what else can I do? If
some people don't like the game, maybe I should stop bothering them with my
presence. I never make decisions impulsively, so I’ll let this idea sit for a
while before deciding. What do you think about it?
The last
couple of days, it’s been hard for me to get back to work. I even thought about
asking  youfor a week off, but I didn't
think it was a good idea to delay the 0.8 release for a week. I love this
update and can't wait to do it, so I pulled myself together and mostly worked
on technical stuff. I made backup copies of all the data, bought a few new
products for the 3D program, and cleaned up the mess on my computer. Yesterday,
I started working on a document outlining the events in 0.8 and their order.
Today, I plan to finish this document and start writing detailed dialogues,
which I think will take about 7 to 9 days.
Next time,
when I finish the dialogues, I'll tell you what to expect in 0.8, without
spoilers, of course. But I can already see that there will be fewer animations
than in 0.7.
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Огромное спасибо за игру, она просто шикарна!
Keep doing what you're doing! I LOVE this game! I especially the love the humor in it (the posters in the ice cream shop. LOL!)  Too many of these games are far too serious. Bring us more humor and more sex. Lesbianism is OK by me. More importantly, do what you want. The neighbors mom is a total smokeshow. How about a few flashbacks of her and her brother?
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Merizmare, Whatever you do I'm sure it'll be fantastic. I can't understand why you'd get negative feedback. The characters look fantastic. The skin, the eyes, the clothing, hair...all of it is top notch. The story is good and can easily branch into many different directions.
I've been having difficult getting a subscription. I'll figure it out though and help you financially as much as I can.
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Bro fantastic game love everything love the characters can't wait to see what's next keep it up bro.
Very enjoyable game. The only issue I have with it is it frequently crashes on my android phone. Absolutely love most of the characters in this game. Always love lesbian content in games as so far it has been really good. Definitely would like to see more. By the way...what's up with Eva? She's really cute, but I'm abit confused that she seems to randomly appear than disappear throughout game.
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Joshi Fan, Hmm... to be honest, this is the first time I’ve heard about this, I’ll try to find out the reason, but I will probably have problems reproducing this bug.

Subscription levels


$ 1,22 per month
- My thanks.
- Access to announcements, votes and information about upcoming updates.
- Моя благодарность.
- Доступ к объявлениям, голосованиям и информации о грядущих обновлениях.


$ 3,1 per month
- Huge thanks!
- Previous rewards.
- In-game images from the gallery in 4k resolution.
- Additional 4k images based on the game.
- Огромное спасибо!
- Предыдущие награды.
- Внутриигровые изображения из галереи в разрешении 4k.
- Дополнительные 4k изображения по мотивам игры.


$ 6,1 per month
- Previous rewards.
- If Amazon's top managers are beggars compared to you, then I would be extremely grateful that you do not let me starve to death.
- Предыдущие награды.
- Если топ менеджеры Amazon нищеброды, по сравнению с вами, то я был бы крайне благодарен, что вы не даёте мне умереть с голоду.


$ 12,2 per month
- Previous rewards.
- I will cash out your money and in the evenings I will slowly rub it against nipples while shouting your name.
- Предыдущие награды.
- Я обналичу ваш косарь и, по вечерам, буду медленно втирать его в соски выкрикивая ваше имя.
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