How to cancel Centurylink?
To cancel your CenturyLink service, follow these steps:
Prepare Account Information: Before contacting CenturyLink, gather all necessary information, such as your account number, billing address, and the phone number associated with your account. Also, review any service agreements to check for early termination fees or contract details.
Contact Customer Service: Call CenturyLink customer service at 1-888-653-7618 Be prepared for possible hold times. When connected, inform the representative that you want to cancel your service. Make sure to specify which service you want to cancel (internet, phone, TV, or all).
Verify Your Identity: You will need to verify your identity by providing personal information associated with the account. This may include your full name, date of birth, or a security PIN.
Discuss Terms and Fees: Ask the representative about any potential cancellation fees, prorated charges, or equipment return policies. If you are under a contract, there may be an early termination fee.
Return Equipment: If you leased equipment (like a modem or router), you must return it to avoid extra charges.
Follow the instructions provided by CenturyLink for returning equipment, which may involve shipping it back or dropping it off at a designated location.