creator cover Anastasia


Cosplayer and crafter

About the creator

Hi! My name is Nastya and I do cosplay! On this page you can find patterns and tutorials, and order different props for your cosplay!
Don't be afraid to use this site, it's practically the same as patreon. Here you can pay for purchases via PAYPAL, or contact me and make a transfer to my friend's card from Germany, if it is more convenient for you.
I always carry out all orders honestly and on time. I had a lot of great reviews on Etsy, but, unfortunately, I can't work there anymore, so I created a page for those who want to buy my products.  
Decoration for an "elegant dress" PATTERNS
PATTERNS Includes:
neck decoration, bracelets, belt jewelry, legs decorations 
Post is available after purchase
Includes: axe, shoulder guard, bracers, leg and arm bracelets, leg armor
Post is available after purchase
Shar helmet PATTERN
includes: helmet PATTERN
Post is available after purchase
Angelic Scion armor PATTERNS
includes: Bracers, bracelets, jewelry for a skirt, an armored belt, a leg bracelet, a piece of shoes (bracelets with wings)
Post is available after purchase
Shadowheart cosplay PATTERNS
The set includes: bra, panties, bracers and bracelets, leg jewelry, skirt, ornament. Small text and video tutorials :)
Post is available after purchase
Elf Girl Armor Patterns + video tutorials
Pattern set includes: Shoulder pads, bracers, tiara, sword, full leg and hip armor, decoration on the chest and belt.
Post is available after purchase

The glass dagger from Skyrim!

Product Description:
The dagger is made of epoxy resin, its weight is approximately 250 grams.
Length 40 cm.
You can change the color of the dagger, to do this, write to me in messages.
The color in the photo may be slightly different from the actual one. The colors in the "space dagger" will be different in any case, but the concept remains the same.
The production time of the dagger is 10-14 days.
Delivery takes approximately 3-5 weeks.
You can also purchase a stand for this dagger (+ $25). On each stand there is a dragon made of epoxy resin, which is made to match the color of the dagger blade.
No refunds.
If you want to buy a dagger, then follow the link to the product and pay. 
Write to me in messages about any changes!

After payment, write me a message with your delivery address, full name and specify the color of the dagger. For example: standard dagger (green), red, space, blue or another option. 
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The glass dagger from Skyrim!
The price is for one dagger
Dagger made of epoxy resin
The production time of the dagger is 10-14 days
Delivery takes ~ 3-5 weeks
Post is available after purchase
Arm armor of the Sorceress Patterns *_*
Includes: shoulder pads, braces, elbow pads, video tutorial for creating elbow pads
Post is available after purchase
Candace weapon PATTERNS
Includes video and text guide!
Post is available after purchase

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$ 1,18 per month
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