Mari L
Mari L
19 subscribers
1 of 3 paid subscribers
Hello to you, my subscribers!
49.67 of $ 108 money raised
To pay for orders poses.

Recording studio and cafe "Oak Alcove" by Mari L

● lot 20x15
● 2 floors
● 38500$
● lot tip bar 
Mari_L Oak Alcove.zip150.08 KbDownload
Mari_L Oak Alcove.zip150.08 KbDownload

Subscription levels

Support (~1 $)

$ 0,65 per month
If you want to support me <3 

Poses and Build (~ 2.5$)

$ 2,16 per month
○ You will get access to posts with poses.
○ You will receive publications with an exclusive build
○ You will receive early access publications
(You can also buy one post with a pose for $1 if you don't want to buy a monthly subscription)

Scene in a blender (~6 $)

$ 5,4 per month
The scenes were created almost entirely by me from scratch.
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