Maria Talanova
Maria Talanova
866 subscribers
151.54 of $ 2 481 money raised
Dear friends, it has become possible to record a song performed by me, I hope for your support in this new business for me. Thank you in advance🙏🏻
0 of $ 4 961 money raised
An unforgettable trip to China awaits me in April✈️I will not only participate in fashion shows, but also explore a new country with you❤️Thanks a lot


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Subscription levels


$ 13,7 per month
By signing up for this subscription and the subscriptions above, you will be able to see all the photos (50-150) from my projects, as well as photos from my daily life that are not on social networks✨thank you for your support 🙏🏻☺️❤️


$ 149 per month
At this subscription level you will be able to see videos and photos from my travels and trips✈️🌊✨ As well as many interesting projects📸
Thank you for your support🙏🏻☺️❤️ 


$ 745 per month
With this subscription level, you will be able to see  more posts and even more that will not be available to previous subscription levels. There will be very beautiful and exclusive content that you will not be able to see anywhere else.🔥
Thank you for your support 🙏🏻☺️❤️
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