creator cover Наталья Васильева

Наталья Васильева

pattern/art furry doll/crochet doll/doll clothes
Наталья Васильева
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Friends! I have a lot of ideas for dolls that I would like to embody! My subscribers are an incentive to work hard and efficiently)

About the creator

Friends! I am glad to welcome you to my creative world. I dedicate this store to creative works, furry style instructions. Here you will find interesting solutions and unusual designs. You can choose works from stock or order a cute, fluffy design for yourself. Write to me and we will discuss the details.
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Pattern Fox in Furry style (in Russian) 40$
МК Лисичка в стиле фурри (рус). После оплаты вам будут доступны МК тела и полного оформления лисички, мк одежды
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Christmas Girl. Part 2. Body

The marker is located in the middle of the thigh from behind.
39) 7 on the first leg, 4 ch, 21 on the second leg, 4 on
ch, 14 on the first leg (50) + 1 displacement loop.
40) (V, 1) 3 times, 2, (1,V) 3 times, 36 (56)
! Please note that our marker is on the side, 2
loops between the increments are the middle of the back.
41) 56
42) 56
43) 19, A 33,A (54)
44) 19, A, 31, A (52)
45) 19, A, 29, A (50)
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Старое платьице в новых цветах.

Всём привет. Никак не могу приучить себя вести блог. Видимо надо исправляться и брать себя в руки. Итак. Сегодня поделюсь фото платьица для мини-игре куколок (моя любимица lati yellow). На данном фото позирует малышка баболька - моя походная куколка. 
Платье популярное среди моих клиентов. Основные цвета розово-бирюзовые. В новом платьице я поменяла розовый цвет на коралловый. Вроде тоже симпатично смотрится. 
На этих фото я пробую изменить вариации своих кукольных фотосессий и добавить в них немножко интерьера. 
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Information about the Otter crochet pattern

  • Light brown YarnArt Angora RAM yarn (Acrylic - 60%, Mohair - 40%, 500 m / 100 g)
• Crochet hook № 1 – 1.1
• Holofiber
• Slicker brush
• 2 half beads with a diameter of 3 mm
• Super glue
• Light brown (to match the base yarn) and white cotton thread for embroidery of eyelids and whites of the eyes (floss)
• Needle for embroidery and stitching details
• Black and brown 3D outline for fabric (nose and paw pads) - if there is no outline, then these details can be embroidered.
• White and chocolate dry pastel
• Bristle brush No. 4
• Hairspray to fix tint
The PDF file contains 21 pages of a detailed description of crocheting and 46 photos of the crocheting process and the design of the toy. The difficulty level of the environments.
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Christmas Girl. Part 1. Legs

1) 5 main chain, from the 2nd stitch from the hook 3, 3in1, 2 ch, inc
2) inc, 3ch, 3in1, 4ch, inc
3) inc, 3ch, 3inc, 3ch, (1ch, inc)*2time (20)
4) FLO 20 ch 
5) 19 ch (1 ch not crochet) (20)
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Abbreviations for Christmas Girl

mc– magic circle
inc – increase (2 single crochet stitches in the next stitch)
dec – decrease (single crochet the next 2 stitches together)
(…)*N – number of repeats of stitches that indicated in parentheses
sc – single crochet
dc – double crochet
main chain – crochet main chain
ch – chain
sl st – slip stitch
w -  3 single crochet increase (3 single crochet stitches in the next stitch)

Christmas girt (materials)

  The materials we need.
1. Hook 0.5-1 mm
2. On color map placed the necessary color of threads.
dark green, light green or light green, Bordeaux, flesh, - iris, Pekhorka Openwork, Pekhorka Successful, Miss Alize, Anna 16 Seam, violet Yarn Art (choose your preferred manufacturer. For the body and clothes, it is desirable that the thread was one of the series.
If the Gnome is in a single copy-it is better to take irises. If you plan several dolls, then it is more profitable to take more Hanks.
Brown cotton (manufacturers are the same) - for bears and shoes.
Brown acrylic or half-hair - for hairs (manufacturer is not important)
3. Wire for the frame thickness of 1.5 - 2 mm. can be braided, can be without.
4. Pliers
5. Glue moment crystal
6. Tiny beads or half beads for bears
7. White fur coat for finishing mittens-it is not required
8. Embroidery floss face pink, brown 2 shades, black.
9. Needles for stitching details and embroidery.
10. eyelashes on desire.
11. Dry pastel for tinting, you can replace the shadows and blush (but with them very carefully)
12. Gold beads or large beads to decorate the shirt front.
13. hollofayber or any convenient filler
The main knitting - crochet larger size.
All the details - the smaller hook.
Wrong or front knitting does not play a role, the scheme does not change fundamentally (only the direction of knitting is counterclockwise or clockwise)
For a game doll, use the yarn jeans Yarn Art or cotton Alize. The frame in this case is not needed. Hook according to your knitting density-from 1.75 to 2.5  

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