30 подписчиков
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Need a lot of fighters for the crusade
0 из $ 1 138 собрано
Donation to the treasury for the benefit of the order

I wanted to make a small comic in an experimental style for myself, but somehow the process dragged on

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$ 2,28 в месяц
To all Knighted,
the Master of the Order undertakes to fulfill:
►To give the opportunity to contemplate the canvas
earlier than the commoners
►Allow you to see sketches
and capture the process of creating art
►Show Honor and Respect


$ 4,6 в месяц
To all holders of the title of Paladin, the Master of the Order pledges himself to fulfill:
► all that is required for an ordinary Knight
► access to special scrolls, the images in which are able to move as if alive, before the others
► several times a month a council will meet to decide which image will be subject to the magic "animation" of the next