Maïa Game
Maïa Game
1 101 subscribers

Maïa's Awards Septembre 2024 / Maïa's Awards September 2024 Clôturé - 🚫 Closed

Coucou à toutes et tous,
Nouveau tirage au sort pour tenter de gagner le pack de jeu "Décorateur d'intérieur" 😍
Pour participer, merci de liker et commenter le post "je participe" (par exemple) 👍
Le cadeau vous sera livré par mail (achat sur Instant Gaming).
Le nom de la gagnante/du gagnant sera annoncé le 18 Septembre 2024 dans ce même post.
Le tirage au sort sera réalisé par cet outil : https://my2lbox.com/fr/tirage-au-sort-liste
J'espère que ceci vous fera plaisir 🙏
Je vous embrasse bien fort, prenez soin de vous ! ❤️💋
Je demanderai à cette personne de me confirmer en commentaire la bonne réception du cadeau.
Maïa Game
Hi everyone,
New draw for a chance to win the “Dream Home Decorator” game pack 😍
To take part, please like and comment on the post “I participate” (for example) 👍
The gift will be delivered to you by e-mail (purchase on Instant Gaming).
The winner's name will be announced on September 18, 2024 in this same post.
The draw will be made by this tool: https://my2lbox.com/fr/tirage-au-sort-liste
I hope you enjoy this 🙏
Big hugs and kisses, take care! ❤️💋
I'll ask this person to confirm in a comment that they've received the gift.
Maïa Game
La gagnante est Smelltreck / The winner is Smelltreck
Je vais contacter tout de suite le gagnant et je lui demanderai de bien vouloir commenter ce post pour confirmer la bonne réception du cadeau 🎁
I will contact the winner right away and ask her to please comment on this post to confirm receipt of the gift 🎁
Merci pour ce giveaway, je participe avec plaisir ! 😇🍀
THE_HELLHOUND__, Coucou, c'est bien noté 🥰
Thanks for the giveaway. I happily participate.
Izzy Mcconchie, Hello, well noted 🥰
Creator has disabled comments for this post.

Subscription levels


$ 3,4 per month
Do you feel like supporting me? 🥰
First of all, I want to thank you! 🙏
It allows me to have a good material, to support creators myself and to create mods! 😎
Benefits :
➡️Welcome Pack of 5 Exclusive Neon Lights
➡️Erotic Dreams
➡️New version OnlySims🔞 
➡️Immediate access to the Sugar Baby (+Odd Jobs Sugar Baby), Crimes, Naughty Odd Jobs🔞
➡️Bad Romance Explicit Edition🔞 (Full Version) 
➡️One month early access to other mods, neon pack
➡️Access to WIP
+ chat


$ 5,7 per month
Do you feel like supporting me more? 😍
First of all, I want to thank you! 🙏
It allows me to have a good material, to support creators myself and to create mods! 😎
Benefits :
➡️Welcome Pack of 5 Exclusive Neon Lights
➡️Erotic Dreams
➡️New version OnlySims 🔞
➡️Immediate access to the Sugar Baby (+Odd Jobs Sugar Baby),Crimes, Naughty Odd Jobs 🔞
➡️Bad Romance Explicit Edition 🔞 (Full Version)
➡️One month early access to other mods, neon pack
➡️Access to WIP 
+ chat


$ 7,9 per month
Do you feel like supporting me even more? 🤩
  First of all, I want to thank you! 🙏
It allows me to have a good material, to support creators myself and to create mods! 😎
Benefits :
➡️Welcome Pack of 5 Exclusive Neon Lights
➡️Erotic Dreams
➡️New version OnlySims 🔞
➡️ Immediate access to the Sugar Baby (+Odd Jobs Sugar Baby), Crimes, Naughty Odd Jobs 🔞
➡️Bad Romance Explicit Edition 🔞 (Full Version)
➡️One month early access to other mods, neon pack
➡️ Access to WIP 
+ chat


$ 10,7 per month
Do you feel like supporting me even more? 🤩
First of all, I want to thank you! 🙏
It allows me to have a good material, to support creators myself and to create mods! 😎
Benefits :
➡️Welcome Pack of 5 Exclusive Neon Lights
➡️Erotic Dreams
➡️New version OnlySims 🔞
➡️Immediate access to the Sugar Baby (+Odd Jobs Sugar Baby),  Crimes, Naughty Odd Jobs 🔞
➡️Bad Romance Explicit Edition 🔞 (Full Version)
➡️One month early access to other mods, neon pack
➡️Access to WIP   
+ chat
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