обложка автора Lunogryz


Game design, architecture in Minecraft
0 из 1 000 платных подписчиков
As soon as this goal is fulfilled, I will be able to abandon the daily routine, and I will only take up my hobby.
0 из $ 45 637 собрано
The money I'm starting to collect to buy an apartment in the Moscow region.... ~ 50 000 US Dollars

Об авторе

💵 Here you can purchase construction services. We will be able to improve your project.
We are building various locations ranging from lobbies, hubs, ending with maps of various mini-games.
💬 If you have a question, then you can contact in private messages.
Нужен уровень:
🔑 Bronze level subscription.
It's time to make history.

Уровни подписки

🔑 Bronze level subscription.

$ 0,91 в месяц
🧿 I will try to actively publish my work, and I appreciate your support in my address. Here you will see my best works, and you can also download some of them, supporting my creativity.
1$ ~ 79₽ (05.04.2023) 📈

💿 Silver level subscription.

$ 1,72 в месяц
🧿 I will make a private chat for subscribers of this level. Where I will give advice on how to improve your server and what should be changed on it to make it better

💰 Gold level subscription.

$ 2,86 в месяц
At this level, you will get nothing but my respect for you.

💎 Diamond level subscription.

$ 8 в месяц
This subscription level is created for those who need my construction tips, for those who want to build with me and improve their skills in Minecraft. I train new builders, and help them with my advice, write to discuss it.