creator cover Lozano


Doing Grand Theft Auto V Mods and Videos
0 of 25 paid subscribers
I'll update my PC and software to create even more exciting mods and videos, along with opportunity to spent more time doing mods and videos.

About the creator

I'm doing Grand Theft Auto V mods, mainly retro emergency vehicles. In addition, I have basic skills of ped edits and little skills of map modding. And also I'm youtuber and doing movies using R* Editor in retro stylistics with wide usage of own and other's mods.
Retro Emergency Vehicles Pack 40's - 50's The Bay Area Addon Released
The third addon for Retro Emergency Vehicles Pack 40's - 50's is a modification for Grand Theft Auto V, which incudes SFPD, FCPD, SFFD, FCFD
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Retro Emergency Vehicles Pack 40's - 50's The Bay Area Addon Announcement
The Bay Area addon announcement. Release Early Access in first week of June.
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Early access to Retro Emergency Vehicles Pack 40's - 50's First Addons
The first addons for Retro Emergency Vehicles Pack 40's - 50's is a modification for GTA V, which incudes SAHP, SASP and unmarked units.
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Little delay
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Subscription levels


$ 24,8$ 22,4 per month
Subscribers will get early access to my mods, typically 30 days or more before public release.
Alsp, subscribers will get the opportunity to participate in closed voting for future projects.
Additionally, subscribers will have access to exclusive mods, which will be kept private for longer periods, but would be not so big as my regular car packs.
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