creator cover Lina Moore 💗

Lina Moore 💗

Enterprise Resource Planning
Lina Moore 💗
0 of $ 724 money raised
$769 Base stations 2.0 (*/ω\*)
0 of $ 6,3 money raised
$7 Some toy for my cat 🐈
6.23 of $ 5,2 money raised
Maybe try streaming on kick or twitch?..~

About the creator

                                                              HELLO, MY SWEET FISH!
                   - You have come to my channel, where I create content and some...
                               -  If you really like what we are doing, you can support us.
                                                 -All content is made in ChilloutVR!
                               - You can always contact to me in discord:
                                                          💬 linamoore
                                          A little information about my avatar (edit):
-My avatar is a deep reworking of GodFall avatars (https://godfall.club) and some specifically DLC (this can be found in the GodFall Discord).
-This does not have any public versions or anything similar with the availability of this avatar according to the GodFall store rules.
-If you have any questions, feel free to write to me in private messages (don't be a shy).
Level required:
Smal Shark $5


-If you want to see my content every day x.com!
-You can always support me here!∘₊✧──────────────────────────────────────────✧₊∘
My links: https://linktr.ee/lostevil


 -If you want to see my content every day - x.com!
-You can always support me here!∘₊✧──────────────────────────────────────────✧₊∘
My links: https://linktr.ee/lostevil
Level required:
Smal Shark $5
Level required:
Smal Shark $5

Are you here? 👁‍🗨

-If you want to see my content every day - x.com!
-You can always support me here!∘₊✧──────────────────────────────────────────✧₊∘
My links: https://linktr.ee/lostevil
Show more

I was very lazy xd

-You can always support me here∘₊✧──────────────────────────────────────────✧₊∘All links: https://linktr.ee/lostevil

Subscription levels

Smal Shark $5

$ 4,7 per month
What will you get:
💓Holy Support
💓Access to exclusive screenshots

Big Shark $10

$ 9,4 per month
What will you get:
💕Very Holy Support
💕Access to exclusive screenshots


$ 18,7 per month
What will you get:
💖Mega Holy Support
💖Access to exclusive screenshots
💖Free art from Lina (Sticker, plz dm).

Shrimp (Kvevetka!) $110

$ 104 per month
What will you get:
🐟My soul
🐟Do you want something else?
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