creator cover LilibethSonar


Reylo fanart | Рейло фанарт

About the creator

Hi! This page is closed. The majority of art from here will appear on my socials for free in the coming months. Links to those are under the profile picture.
Привет! Эта страница закрыта. Большая часть рисунков отсюда появится бесплатно в моих соцсетях в ближайшие месяцы. Ссылки на них находятся под аватаром.
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Nooooooooo I have so loved these bi-weekly updates! I'm always so happy to see when you've posted a new one. Is there another subscription service you could try? Patreon? I would love to keep seeing new artwork from you somehow! -The subscription was totally worth it.
Laleina, no, unfortunately I don't have other options right now. Thank you for your kind words, though.

Sunday WIP + March schedule

Sunday WIP. We're going AU this week.
March schedule:
March 10 - full art (paid subscribers)
March 20 - WIP (open post)
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PayPal technical issue

Hi everyone! For my foreign supporters:
It appears that the platform is experiencing some sort of a technical issue with PayPal; if your subscription payment is not coming through, please try changing your payment method to a card. Certain US banks might not be eligible, but unfortunately I don't have any concrete info about that - it's trial and error for now. Apologies for the inconvenience and thank you for sticking with me. ❤️
March 2 commission
2 characters; background; color
Post is available after purchase

Sunday WIP

The defector Ben is gonna make another appearance this week. The piece overall is turning out less NSFW than the previous one, but also very sensual and with a different power dynamic.
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The Defector | Перебежчик

A grittier take on Ben leaving the First Order.
P.S. I forgot to post the schedule with my previous post. The next WIP - FEB 21; full art - FEB 25.
Более жёсткий взгляд на Бена после ухода из Первого Ордена.
P.S. Я забыла прикрепить расписание к предыдущему посту. Следующий впроцессник - 21 февраля; готовый арт - 25-го.

Sunday WIP

Feel like Ben with a beard again this week. ;)
На этой неделе снова настроение нарисовать Бена с бородой. ;)
bearded ben is my favorite ben!
Laleina, I've also grown quite fond of him ❤️

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