lil Beast
lil Beast
111 subscribers
1 750.93 of $ 53 724 money raised
Goal: Support the life of an artist in a safe city❣ [This tab is for a one-time donation if someone doesn't want to pay monthly!]

Flower dinner

Level required:
NSFW content | 18+

Subscription levels

Simple Thanks 🌸

$ 1,08 per month
• Simple minimal help to the artist!
• Access to the Discord server
+ chat

NSFW content | 18+

$ 3,8 per month
• Access to the NSFW(18+) content
• Access to the Discord server
+ chat

Exclusive content!

$ 8,6 per month
• WIPs and Spoilers for a new arts & animations
• Your nickname will appear at the end of the new video
• Access to the NSFW(18+)content
• Access to the Discord server + some special chats there
+ chat

Big King Thanks!

$ 16,2 per month
• You will get the administrator role in Discord server
• Your nickname & character will appear at the end of the new video
• Access to the NSFW(18+) content
• Access to the Discord server + some special chats there  
+ chat
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