9 subscribers
550.25 of $ 1 022 money raised
Donations and commissions ♥️
0 of $ 307 money raised
I can buy a new graphic tablet :3

❗️ Subscription price increase❗️

Hellooo! Here’s some information for my King Froggies! Unfortunately, I will have to raise the price from 500 to 700 rubles 🥺 I plan to do this in August!
❗️The price increase will only affect the Froggy The King tier!
Aaand some words about my exclusive content here - unfortunately, I don’t have time for my projects right now and I’m only focused on commissions, so I don’t have much to post here 🤧 (Yeah, freelancing is hard🥲)
But I really hope that I’ll be able to work on my projects soon and show you interesting exclusive stuff :3
I have plans for art for my future postcards/bookmarks/stickers, and art and comics with my characters 🥰
Thank you all for staying here and supporting me, it means a lot! 😭💖

Subscription levels

Little Froggy

$ 1,03 per month
- Early access to my works
- Wips (sketches and videos)
- Ранний доступ к моим работам
- Скетчи, видео процессов

Magic Froggy

$ 2,56 per month
- Previous tier rewards
- Future projects exclusive spoilers
- Shop updates 
- Награды предыдущего уровня
- Спойлеры будущих проектов
- Обновления по магазинчику (спойлеры мерча)
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