обложка автора Leoni Leo

Leoni Leo

Leoni Leo
768.2 из $ 5 687 собрано
For life

Об авторе

Hi everyone, my name is Leo and I love to draw!
I'm not a very interesting person, but maybe I'm an
interesting artist? (lol)
I draw different things, mostly I like to draw
cute girls (•) (•) ԅ (‾ ⌣ ‾ ԅ) and boys so join us )
And I draw my own world, so there will be art with
my characters, about which I will tell you!
Please spend responsibly.
Anyways, thank you very much for liking the drawings and for
your help should you choose to!

Уровни подписки

Приём! Это База!

$ 0,57 в месяц
- nude versions of art
- Wip art, sketches
- my love and gratitude

Они подняли уровень в одиночку

$ 1,71 в месяц
- nude versions of art (high resolution)
-  Vip art, sketches
- tutorials ( less often)
- 10% discount on YCH and commissions*