9 subscribers
1 664.43 of $ 2 338 money raised
У меня 3 проекта к маю: 72 сети, ремонт класса в школе №7, включая новые парты и стулья, а также рисполепт мальчику-аутисту, без него ему плохо очень.

Baking Peace with Ramzia

This trip to Kursk: My friend Evgeny Ivanovich sent with us 76 cans of meat. We delivered them to Ramzia, who uses it to make tastiest pies for our guys!
Ramzia is a well of wisdom and kidness, i wanted to record her every word! We were laughing that she should do some weekly podcast! "I bake Peace" she says.
Will see her again, soon, i hope!

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$ 59 per month
Paid subscription for those who would like to donate to my cause on a regular basis. Your generosity of spirit will never sease to humble me.
Thank you.
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