creator cover Владимир Кропотин

Владимир Кропотин

Создатель Лего Кастомных Минифигурок
Владимир Кропотин
0 of 500 paid subscribers
When I reach 500 subscribers, I will be able to devote much more time to my hobby, and the number of universes and models in them will only grow!

About the creator

Всем привет! Как вы видите из описания, я являюсь создателем кастомных минифигурок лего, созданным по таким вселенным как Властелин Колец, Fallout, The elder scrolls, Gears of War, Halo, Doctor Who, Ведьмак 3, а также Warhammer 40K. Если хотите, можете поддержать поддержать мое скромное дело подпиской, если хотите, можете заказать у меня как готовые модели, так и сделать заказ на изготовление
Hello! As you can see from the description, I am the creator of custom lego minifigures based on such universe as The Lord of the Rings, Fallout, The Elder Scrolls, Gears of War, Halo, Doctor Who, The Witcher 3, and also Warhammer 40K. If you want, you can support my modest cause with a subscription, if you want, you can order from me both ready-made models and place an order for production.
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Lego Gears of war Терон Theron

The Theron Guard was an organization of the Locust Hordes' military which represents the elite of the Locust, the head-and-shoulders above the lowly Drones in terms of equipment, intelligence, and training. They are elite Locust troops, assigned to commando-style raids against high-profile targets and high-level defensive missions that require the sort of precision the Therons possess and can handle. Some members of the Theron also act as field officers, leading the lesser Locust troops into battle. If the Drones and Boomers represent the Locust military's hammer and anvil, then the Theron Guard is most decidedly its scalpel.Therons are easily recognized from other Locust: they wear heavy body armor that covers more of the upper body than drone armor and a long, leather-like strip of material hanging from the back of the waist that trails behind them as they move and gives the impression of a trench coat combined with armor. Many wear distinctive-looking helmets as well, often heavily embellished. Theron Armor is laced with bright red flecks, presumably to give them a more-imposing appearance. Their voices are sibilant and with a definitive, whispering hiss, giving them a distinctly menacing presence. Though it is more intimidating, the hissing and whispering can be a big give away to the opponent of your position. The more higher-ranked Therons are called Theron Sentinels and serve as Sergeants in Theron Guard battle groups. Theron Sentinels are slightly taller, wear a slightly deeper shade of red armor, and have a round helmet with no visible eye slits. The differences in visible appearances are minimal and easily overlooked in the heat of combat, but so are their status upgrades.Стражи терон- это элитные войска Королевы. Обладают большим интеллектом, по сравнению с остальными Дронами, и общаются свистящим шепотом с другими Сородичами. Их роль в войне- командывать войсками Саранчи на поле боя. Они были впервые замечены при операциях Световое Наступление и Шторм в Туннелях.
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Lego Gears of war RAAM РААМ

Uzil RAAM was the High General of the Locust Army. RAAM was once a Drone soldier, then a member of the Theron Guard. His skill, intellect, strength, and his loyalty to the Horde and Queen Myrrah earned him the title of head of the military leadership of the Locust Horde. RAAM led the Bloodied Vanguard with Skorge against the Lambent durning the Lambent War. He was also a member of the Locust Council during the Lambent War. RAAM had a passion to wipe out all of the Lambent and Humanity, and with his intelligence and willpower, he almost succeeded.
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Lego Fallout New vegas Legion of Caesar armor броня легиона цезаря

Легион Цезаря — это автократическое, традиционалистское, империалистическое рабовладельческое общество и тоталитарная диктатура, основанная на представлениях о Римской Империи. 
Одна из двух основных противоборствующих сторон, с которой связана одна из четырёх основных сюжетных линий. Легион Цезаря представляет собой агрессивное рабовладельческое государство, объединяющее территории 86 покорённых дикарских и варварских племён юго-запада бывших США.
Caesar's Legion (Latin: Legio Caesaris), also referred to simply as The Legion, is a totalitarian dictatorship founded in 2247 by Edward "Caesar" Sallow and Joshua Graham, built on the conquest and enslavement of tribal societies in the American southwest. Almost entirely military in structure, the Legion loosely models itself after the military of the Roman Empire, using its structure, aesthetics and language to give their warriors a unified identity. 
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Subscription levels

Стандартная подписка/ Standard

$ 3,6 per month
Привет! Спасибо, что решил поддержать меня! Именно поэтому, в следующем твоем заказе будет скидка в 350 рублей . Подпишись на эту группу, и в сообщениях укажи, что ты хочешь заказать, и я добавлю эту скидку к твоему заказу! https://vk.com/legoreaven
Hey! Thank you for choosing to support me! That is why, in your next order there will be a discount of 5$. Write me there! vkropotin1997@gmail.com

Инструкция/ Instructions

$ 10,3 per month
При покупке этой подписки вы получите каждый месяц по набору или одиночной инструкции по вселенным Mass Effect/ Destiny/ SW/ Halo . Просто напишите мне здесь https://vk.com/legoreaven
With the purchase of this subscription, you will receive each month a set or a single instruction manual for the Mass Effect / Destiny / SW / Halo universes. Write me there! vkropotin1997@gmail.com

Lord of the rings 2 figures set

$ 31 per month
Thank you for supporting me! That's why, you will receive a gift with 2 custom lotr figures from trilogy. Write me to vkropotin1997@gmail.com, and in the messages indicate your details so that I send your order!

Lord of the rings 3 figures set

$ 39 per month
Thank you for supporting me! That's why, you will receive a gift with 3 custom lotr figures from trilogy. Write me to vkropotin1997@gmail.com, and in the messages indicate your details so that I send your order!

Подписка-сюрприз/ Surprise box

$ 57 per month
Привет! Спасибо, что решил так щедро поддержать меня! Именно поэтому, ты получишь подарок с 4 случайными кастомами по твоей любимой вселенной . Подпишись на эту группу, и в сообщениях укажи свои данные, чтобы я отправил твой заказ! https://vk.com/legoreaven
Hey! Thank you for choosing to support me so generously! That is why, you will receive a gift with 4 random customs for your favorite universe. Write me to vkropotin1997@gmail.com, and indicate your details so that I send your order! 

Fallout Set -Сет Фаллаут

$ 67 per month
Спасибо за поддержку! Поэтому, ты получишь подарок по Fallout. В сообщениях укажи свои данные, чтобы я отправил твой заказ! https://vk.com/legoreaven
Там мы выберем 3 модели(см. ниже)!
Thank you for supporting me! That's why, you will receive a gift with 3 customs from Fallout . Write me to vkropotin1997@gmail.com, and in the messages indicate your details so that I send your order! 
And also choose 3 models (X-01, X-02, X-03, T60, T65, T51, Enclave soldier (F3), NCR Ranger)

Gears of war Set

$ 70 per month
Thank you for supporting me! That's why, you will receive a gift with 4 customs from Gears of war. Write me to vkropotin1997@gmail.com, and in the messages indicate your details so that I send your order! 
And also choose 4 models from the proposed ones (A, B Carmine, Armored Kantus, Savage Theron, Elite theron, Palace Guard, Sraak, Onyx Guard, UIR soldier)

Hobbit Nazgul Set

$ 88 per month
Thank you for supporting me! That's why, you will receive a gift with 9 custom Nazgul from Hobbit. Write me to vkropotin1997@gmail.com, and in the messages indicate your details so that I send your order!

Lego Warhammer primarchs customs

$ 98 per month
Thank you for supporting me! That's why, you will receive a gift with 5 custom primarchs from warhammer 40k. Write me to vkropotin1997@gmail.com, and in the messages indicate your details so that I send your order!

Big figure LOTR SET

$ 144 per month
Thank you for supporting me! That's why, you will receive a gift 2 big minifigures olog hai and a set of 5 custom minifigures forces of mordor. Write me to vkropotin1997@gmail.com, and in the messages indicate your details so that I send your order!
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