62 подписчика

SM page 5

I was dead tired while drawing this page. But finally it's done, hope you enjoy. If you notice any mistakes in the text, please let me know.
Oh this has promise. Girls about to get a lot bigger.
A few critiques on text:
"Go and take a walk", can be simplified to "Go take a walk"
"We will work tohether now", has a typ0, and can be smoothed to "We'll be working together now"
"Only succubi can sell this milk, because the name, you know". "Succubae" is spelled wrong.
"And have you become DRINK", Bad grammar here. You'd want something like "So how about we fix that? Here...Drink!"
"Horosho Horosho" had to look this one up. Something like "Sure Sure" would work in english.
Max Tepafray, thanks for help! Unfortunately i was in a hurry and already posted, but I will fix it anyway
I'd love to see a video process on your drawings. You make amazing ideas but your skill as an artist is just amazing.
Deen Fal, this is an interesting idea, but my pipeline is so chaotic that I don't even know yet, but I'll keep it in mind and maybe try it someday...🤔
10/10 can't wait for charlotte to get a huge upgrade🍒🍈🍈
Jhon jin, it will definitely happen😈

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