обложка автора Kirill Richert

Kirill Richert

Lettering artist | Freelancer
Kirill Richert
577.63 из $ 5 632 собрано
I'm collecting for new equipment and for health, so that I can delight you even more with my creativity and my letters.

Об авторе

Lettering artist | Freelancer
Work with worldwide brands
Lettering logo⤵️
Est. 2002 graffiti artist
@kirillrichert - dm
Dear customers, write to me about work by email. Thanks.
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Sketches Board ski

Hello World! To be honest, I want to admit that for the first time I encountered such a thing that I don’t know what kind of logo to come up with for a snow skateboard. As a brand, there are no timatics and in my head I have a complete freestyle of ideas when I just need to come up with a logo, from my emotions. That's why I've drawn these sketches for now, and I'll think about it further.

Уровни подписки

Lettering club

$ 1,13 в месяц
Hello, here I will share my extensive experience in the work of artist lettering, share my thoughts and observations. I have already 20 years of experience in drawing letters and therefore I will be glad to tell and show you what I have learned during this time.