Kirill K
Kirill K
20 subscribers
0 of 10 paid subscribers
Let's begin with a small amount. If 10 people will donate a dollar, it will be a 10 dollars right?
1 895.41 of $ 1 871 money raised
This is a summ I need to survive for a few months
5 025.15 of $ 4 989 money raised
I will survive the whole year! Or so.

Some desert Cat

Subscription levels

A small donation is still a donation

$ 3,8 per month
Even small support is valuable!

You want to give a bit more?

$ 6,3 per month
I appreciate. This will give you a higher resolution images, when it's possible.

I want a sketch!

$ 32 per month
Simple sketch of a character of your choise. You can propose a topic.
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