обложка автора KeshaTheAffen


I create minecraft related discord bots
0 из $ 62 собрано
Orange Pi One. With this little cutie I will be able to host bots myself! No hosting monthly payments!

Об авторе

Hello! Im Kesha and I make and host discord bots that interact with minecraft servers. 
Now I have two of them active:
OnlineMC -> bot, plugin
Which allows you to see online players of your server inside your discord server
Which allows you to see top lists of players by all vanilla statistics. From top of amount of creepers killed to times ringed a bell. It's public verision is in development right now, but I have it working on private server already.
Note: these bots require individual bukkit plugins to be installed on server.
I also can make bots at your request!

Уровни подписки


$ 1,13 в месяц
If you just want to support me. This will help me with bot hosting a lot!